Tonight after dinner, I sat down and read through a few of me beekeeping books. Here are a few things that I need to 'correct'.
1. Entrance Reducer - I need to correct the position and change the larger hole for the smaller one. I used the larger one. I'll do this Thursday or Friday
2. Hive Stand - I need to swap out the milk crate and current cinderblock configuration for a new, sturdier one. I'll hold off on this until the first brood chamber is filled in a few weeks.
3. Queen - This is the big unknown. All of the books say not to disturb the hive for at a week, lest the bees kill the queen for 'disturbing the hive'. That puts me into late this week. I'll do a drive by on Tuesday and open check the queens on Thursday or Friday and make sure they have been released.
One other thing that I've thought of is to put a motion sensor wildlife scouting cameras on one of the trees by my hives. That way, I can watch for skunks or other critters that my be disturbing my hives. I can pick one of these up at Wal-Mart for about $75. Just a thought...
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