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Friday, September 5, 2008

Bloom Times Chart

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While the 2008 beekeeping season isn't finished yet, I'm already planning for next year.  

Another thing that I learned this year was that knowing the bloom time of flowers that my bees are visiting is important.  Here's something that I put together using some information from the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension.  The information is for Kentucky, but may be useful to others as well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I have to agree with your comments on the last podcast, regarding the winter losses of bees. Even with the commercial beekeeping, the lack of responsible beekeeping is alarming.

I believe that beekeepers have to be more responsible if we are going to save the bees. We are in a critical time of bee management and we have to be diligent in our efforts and not half hazardly.