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Monday, June 23, 2008

Next Year's Plans

I'm already thinking about next year and if I want to increase the number of hives I manage. Realistically, I'd like to add at least one more hive, possibly two, but as other beekeepers know, equipment is expensive. I'm just hoping that I can break even this year with a little honey from my two existing hives. That's why this weekend I stated building a nuc hive. I thought I'd give it a try. The cost is exponentially cheaper and with the help of my woodworking neighbor, I think I just may be able to build them myself.

Another question is where to put any new hives. I'm sure I'd have no trouble adding them to my existing beeyard plot, but a little closer to home would also be nice. I'll have to think on that one for awhile.

I'm just hoping that I can break even this year with a little honey from my two existing hives.

1 comment:

Emily said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Hope you have a great day!

Love~ The Mulkeys