Date: Saturday, May 18, 2008
Temperature: Mid 60's
Weather: Sunny, windy
Time: 3:30pm
After the week of cool weather and rain, I decided to stop by the hives and check on the syrup levels. Neither looked like they had really been touched, but I ended up adding one gallon to each hive anyway.
Both hives had good activity. Genesis had some bees hanging out on the outside between the brood chambers. One strange thing, outside of Genesis, there were hundreds of pollen packings dropped on the ground. I'm not sure what's up, but it seems like a waste to me. Perhaps I should invest in a pollen trap next year.
Exodus had a little less activity and I had to pull the entrance reducer back out. It looks like it had been blown in by some wind, creating a larger space for the bees to enter.
Currently Blooming: Black Locust Trees, Honeysuckle, Lavender, Strawberries, Rasberries, and blackberries.

If you are interested in becoming a beekeeper, or you want to become a better beekeeper, join me for thoughts on beekeeping in the news, honeybee research, book and equipment reviews, interviews, and other beekeeping topics.
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